Stay Away From “Still” People

It’s not every day that you read something that sounds simple on the surface, yet the more you think about it, the more profound it sounds in your mind. 

I had the privilege of reading something like that recently. It is a famous quote circulating across several places on the internet. And when I read it, it immediately got me thinking for some time.

The quote has several layers to it, just like an onion. And to get to those layers, you have to think about it hard. And it’s that act of thinking and dissecting of layers that makes this quote so powerful.

The quote I’m talking about is this one:

“Stay away from “still” people. 

– Still broke, 

– Still complaining, 

– Still hating, and

– Still nowhere”

There are a few variations of this quote as well, including,

“Stay away from “Still” people.

  • Still Broke
  • Still Gossiping
  • Still Hanging out Drinking at the Same Places
  • Still Doing the Same Things
  • Still got the Same Bad Habits
  • Still have the Same Level of Knowledge
  • Still Judging Others
  • Still Blaming Others
  • Still can’t see they’re the Problem.”


“STAY AWAY FROM STILL PEOPLE! I want to encourage you to run from the people that are in your life that are “still”:

– Still Broke

– Still Complaining

– Still Hating

– Still Losing

– Still Not Making a Change

– Still Living in the Past

– Still Making Excuses”

But all these quotes have the same basic message and the same layers attached to them.

Hence, in this article, we’ll dissect the layers, get to the core message of these quotes, and tell you how you can apply these lessons in your life.

You ready? Here we go:

Dissecting the Layers of the Quote

A. “Still Broke”

Being “still broke” means that someone is stuck in their current financial situation and has not made any progress towards achieving their financial goals. This can be detrimental to personal growth and overall well-being because financial stability is an essential aspect of a person’s life. When someone is “still broke,” they may feel discouraged, stressed, and unable to pursue their dreams or goals.

How to avoid “still broke” people and attract abundance

To avoid “still broke” people, it is essential to surround oneself with individuals who are financially stable and successful. This can be achieved by joining networking groups, attending financial seminars or workshops, and seeking mentorship from successful individuals in the field. Additionally, cultivating a positive money mindset, setting achievable financial goals, and creating a budget can help attract abundance and improve financial wellness.

B. “Still Complaining”

Complaining is a negative habit that can hinder personal growth and development. When someone is “still complaining,” they are focusing on the negative aspects of their life instead of taking action to improve their situation. Complaining can lead to a victim mentality, where individuals believe they have no control over their circumstances, leading to feelings of helplessness and stagnation.

How to avoid “still complaining” people and cultivate a positive mindset

To avoid “still complaining” people, it is crucial to surround oneself with positive and supportive individuals. One can also practice gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of their life, practicing mindfulness, and reframing negative thoughts. Additionally, setting achievable goals and taking action toward them can foster a sense of purpose and direction, leading to a positive mindset.

C. “Still Hating”

Holding onto hate can be detrimental to personal growth and overall well-being. When someone is “still hating,” they are carrying negative emotions and energy that can weigh them down and impact their relationships and mental health. Hate can lead to bitterness, resentment, and anger, negatively impacting personal growth and development.

How to avoid “still hating” people and spread love and kindness

To avoid “still hating” people, it is essential to surround oneself with individuals who promote positivity and kindness. One can also practice forgiveness and empathy, which can help release negative emotions and promote healing. Additionally, spreading love and compassion through volunteering acts of kindness and positive interactions can create a ripple effect and encourage personal growth and development.

D. “Still Nowhere”

Being “still nowhere” means that someone is stuck in their current situation and has not made any progress towards achieving their goals. This can be detrimental to personal growth and development because progress and growth are essential aspects of a fulfilling life. When someone is “still nowhere,” they may feel stuck, unfulfilled, and unable to pursue their dreams or goals.

How to avoid “still nowhere” people and achieve your goals

To avoid “still nowhere” people, it is crucial to surround oneself with individuals who are driven and motivated to achieve their goals. One can also set achievable goals, create a plan of action, and take consistent steps toward achieving them. Additionally, seeking mentorship, taking courses or workshops, and practicing self-reflection can promote personal growth and development.

Finding the Core Message

Now that we have dissected the different layers of the quote, it’s time to find the core message that ties everything together. Here are some key takeaways:

A. Recognizing the patterns of “still” people

The first step in avoiding “still” people is recognizing their patterns. The common denominator among all the variations of the quote is the word “still.” This implies that the people being referred to are stuck in a particular place or mindset and are not making any progress toward growth or improvement.

For example, someone “still broke” may have a negative mindset around money and wealth and may not be taking the necessary steps to increase their income or savings. Someone “still complaining” may be stuck in a victim mentality, constantly blaming others for their problems instead of taking ownership and finding solutions.

By recognizing these patterns in people, we can start to distance ourselves from them and seek out individuals who are actively pursuing growth and improvement.

B. Understanding the impact of surrounding yourself with “still” people

Surrounding yourself with “still” people can have a detrimental effect on your own personal growth and success. As the saying goes, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If those five people are “still” in their own lives, it’s likely that you will be as well.

Being around negative, stagnant people can also have a negative impact on your own mindset and mood. It’s easy to get sucked into complaining and commiserating with those around us instead of focusing on solutions and taking action toward our goals.

C. Taking responsibility for your own growth and success

Ultimately, the core message of the “stay away from still people” quote is about taking responsibility for our own growth and success. We can’t control the actions or mindsets of others, but we can control our own.

By recognizing the patterns of “still” people and surrounding ourselves with those actively pursuing growth and improvement, we can create a supportive environment for our own personal development. We can also cultivate a positive mindset, take ownership of our problems, and find solutions instead of dwelling on complaints and excuses.

Ultimately, it’s up to us to take responsibility for our own growth and success and to seek out the people and environments that will support us in that journey.

Applying the Lessons in your Life

Now that you understand the quote’s different layers and its core message, you must be wondering how you can apply these lessons to your life. Don’t worry; I got you here as well.

Here are some simple steps for you:

Evaluate your current relationships:

Take a moment to evaluate the people in your life. Who are the “still” people? Who are the people constantly complaining, hating, and not making any progress toward their goals? 

These individuals can harm your life and hinder your personal growth. It’s vital to assess your relationships and determine which ones are helping you grow and which ones are holding you back.

Attracting and surrounding yourself with positive, growth-oriented people:

After evaluating your relationships:

  1. Focus on attracting and surrounding yourself with positive, growth-oriented people.
  2. Seek out individuals who are motivated and driven to achieve their goals.
  3. Connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests and values.

These individuals can offer support, guidance, and encouragement as you strive toward personal growth and success.

Focus on personal growth and progress:

Make personal growth and progress a priority in your life. Set achievable goals and create a plan to achieve them. Take action towards your goals and track your progress. Celebrate your successes and learn from your mistakes. Focus on continuous improvement and development in all areas of your life.

Let go of “still” habits and mindsets:

Identify any “still” habits and mindsets that may be holding you back. These could include negative self-talk, procrastination, or a fear of failure. Once you’ve identified these habits and attitudes, work to let them go. 

Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations, break down big goals into smaller, more manageable tasks to avoid procrastination, and embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Embrace change and take action toward your goals:

Finally, embrace change and take action toward your goals. Change can be uncomfortable and challenging, but it’s necessary for personal growth and progress. Step out of your comfort zone and take calculated risks. Focus on what you can control and take action towards your goals every day. Remember, personal growth and success require consistent effort and dedication.


In conclusion, the core message of the quote “Stay away from Still People” is to surround yourself with positive, growth-oriented people and avoid those stuck in negative patterns and mindsets. It’s essential to recognize the patterns of “still” people, understand the impact of surrounding yourself with them, take responsibility for your own growth and success, and apply these lessons in your life.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of surrounding ourselves with comfortable and familiar people, even if they’re not helping us grow and achieve our goals. 

But by evaluating our current relationships, attracting and surrounding ourselves with positive, growth-oriented people, focusing on personal growth and progress, letting go of “still” habits and mindsets, and embracing change and taking action towards our goals, we can achieve the success and happiness we desire.

So, I encourage you to apply these lessons in your life. Take a moment to reflect on your current relationships and identify those that may be holding you back. Seek out positive, growth-oriented people and invest in those relationships. Focus on your own personal growth and progress, and don’t be afraid to let go of habits and mindsets that no longer serve you. Embrace change and take action towards your goals.

Remember, the people we surround ourselves with profoundly impact our lives. By surrounding ourselves with positive, growth-oriented people, we can create a life filled with abundance, happiness, and success. So, choose wisely and surround yourself with people who will lift you up and help you achieve your dreams.

Success Minded

Writer & Motivator with a goal of Inspiring and Helping 1 Million people across the globe to reach their goals. Join the largest self-improvement community on Twitter (700K+) over at @_SuccessMinded_

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